Don’t let them steal your joy

Don’t let them steal your joy


Are you Frustrated?

Just had one of those days?
Or are you trying to deal with one of those children that know how to push your buttons?

One of my children was extremely good at knowing what buttons to push and when to push them. He had learned at an early age my weak spot and he wasn’t afraid to use it. Especially if my hubby wasn’t home. This child would then go up and above in his attempts to get me mad, frustrated and or downright infuriated.

I did learn a trick, and it worked most of the time. Watch the video and see what I learned, and how I used this trick.

You need to understand that this doesn’t always work. It was several years later that this same child decided he was going to attempt to once again do what he could to anger me. And again he only did this when my hubby wasn’t home. My other children asked me why I allowed this child to bully me. It was not until they asked that question that I realized that in fact, that was exactly what he was doing.  It was shortly after this understanding dawned on me that I decided I had enough. I ended up blowing up at him in front of his father. I was so mad I couldn’t even talk right. I did say something I regret now, but my anger was justified and for that, I didn’t apologize, I just apologized later for what I said that was unkind.  From that day forward my son has been treating me with the utmost respect, and kindness.  He has also learned the art of sticking up for other people when someone is bullying them.  Today I am very proud of him and how he has learned to honor and respect people.

Want to know how to not let them steal your joy?

Click here to check out some other parenting do’s and don’ts.

Click here to learn the difference between ‘Determination’ And ‘Stubbornness”

Parent your own way

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Come on over to our goal page to learn how to implement goals so you can parent with purpose. Subscribe and tell us which goals you picked. Get or give advice on each post to help the parenting community. Let’s help each other instead of judging each other.

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Parenting is tough.

Parenting is tough.

 Are you discovering that parenting is Tough?

Or is the judgment from others about HOW you parent is harder than you thought?

You’re not alone, watch and share with other parents so we can all stop judging others and make the job of parenting easier and more effective.

I struggled for years wondering if anyone else ever found parenting difficult.  I remember thinking about how much of a failure I must be. I didn’t see other parents struggling like I was. We didn’t have social media back then so there was no evidence that anyone else was having difficulty.  I felt so alone.

I have had parents ask me if I drug my kids to get them to go to bed. If I starved them because they were all thin. If we were poor because none of them were in any sports and they tended to wear different colour socks most of the time.

I was back then, and always will be a transparent person. I tell it like it is. When I struggle, if you are anywhere around me you will know I am struggling. If I screw up, you will know it. If I am having trouble figuring something out, you will hear me ask for advice.  This all allowed other parents to see into my life, but they carefully hid behind their four walls not letting anyone see what struggles they were having.

Parent With Purpose was started to help all parents be able to get help when they are struggling. To help others when they have good advice. To be a community of parents that understand that just being a parent, although the best job in the world, is the hardest.

Click here to watch a video on one of the toughest things to accomplish in my opinion in parenting called “How to shape the Will, without Destroying the spirit”

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Rebellious Children

Rebellious Children

Do you think if you are stubborn in your parenting that will make rebellious children?

Or is a rebellious child going to rebel no matter how you parent?

Would love to know your thoughts.

Please leave comments here so that we can all help each other as a parenting community.

Check out our Parenting Quiz

Come check out a Free Chapter of my Parenting Book:

Watch a video on Comparing Children:

Teenage Pregnancy.

Teenage Pregnancy.

Are you feeling alone dealing with teenage pregnancy in your home?

Watch this video and take comfort in knowing it will all work out ok.

Share your story, or ask questions below in the comments.

If your daughter was raped, click here for another video on this subject.  Or if you would like to hear the ‘rest of our story’ about my daughter’s rape click here.

Parent your own way

Please subscribe to see all the latest parenting videos.

Come on over to our goal page to learn how to implement goals so you can parent with purpose. Subscribe and tell us which goals you picked. Get or give advice on each post to help the parenting community. Let’s help each other instead of judging each other.

Check out or Social media by clicking on any of the appropriate tabs in the right-hand top corner of the screen above. Or click here for which one you want

Parenting a Raped Daughter

Parenting a Raped Daughter

Do you know how to cope with parenting a teen raped?

My daughter was raped, and I remember thinking I had no idea what to do to help her.

Leave a comment, it doesn’t show up until I approve it and if you wish to stay anonymous, please say so and your comments will not be made public.  You have to give an email address which then makes it so we can talk privately if you wish.  Take heart, you are not going through this alone.  xoxo

Parenting A Gay Child.

Parenting A Gay Child.

 If you are struggling because you have a gay child this video is for you.

My goal is to help parents in all situations.

If you are Gay and are offended then you didn’t watch the video as my intent is not to judge.
Please feel free to comment AFTER you have watched the video completely!