Interfering Parent or Grandparents

Interfering Parent or Grandparents

Faith Asks, how to deal with interfering Parents or Grandparents.

The video gives our reply, but we would love to hear your answers to this question below as well.

Here is Faith’s example of one of the many ways her Grandparents interfere:

Recently they’ve shared details with the school of custody agreements between myself and her father as we are looking to adjust our arrangement as she is getting older. This was not any of the school’s business at the time as it doesn’t affect her schooling. There was also a morning THEY decided to let her have the day off because she was kicking up and refusing to go but told the school it had been my decision and it was because my daughter was stressed due to us arguing that morning (not the case at all).

They’ve done things like this so many times and worse, and when they don’t get their own way, they act like children, Another example, a couple of years ago, my nan had made a dentist appt for my daughter during her father’s custody time (I have a severe phobia of dentists due to a horrific experience as a child, I didn’t want my phobia to make her nervous so I let nan handle it, but the agreement was no appts during school holidays due that being her fathers time). I begged and tried to get her to change it but she wouldn’t, her father tried to make other arrangements but due to work commitments he couldn’t. Her dad has to drive 1.5hrs to pick her up, and another 1.5hrs to get her to his, they had a new baby (her dad and his wife) and they are both officers, so work shifts are crazy. It wasn’t possible for him to make other pick up arrangements. The appt fell the day after he needed to pick her up, if he didn’t pick her up that day, he wouldn’t have been able to see her. He’d already gone six weeks not seeing her, and he was facing another seven weeks if he had to miss this school holiday.
I put my foot down, and I changed the appointment for two weeks later, at a time that worked for everyone. Because I did this, my nan didn’t speak to me for TWO MONTHS!!!!

How are your parenting skills?  Do you think you can do better? Click here to take the Parenting Quiz 

Do you think you know what Human Trafficking is? So did I but I was wrong. It took my daughter getting involved before I learned the ugly truth.
Click here to watch and learn what it really is, and educate your self before your daughter or son becomes the next victim.

Debunking Myths about Human Trafficking to protect our kids

Debunking Myths about Human Trafficking to protect our kids

It is time to debunk the myths about human trafficking and realize what it really is.
Let’s take control back from those that would like to do nothing more than making money off of our children and potentially destroy their lives.
How do we do that, but educating ourselves on what Human trafficking really is?
Did you know that the majority of Human trafficking happening in our area,  is happening to our own children, living in our homes and we don’t even know?
It is not typically, what we think which is like the movie “Taken” where teens, and or little children are kidnapped, thrown in a van, confined to a room and sold. It is our sons and daughters being sold a dream and being treated like a queen by this “boyfriend” or “girlfriend”, looking like a normal relationship, while living at home.

Protecting your children is our primary goal as parents.  Knowledge can help you do that. I wished I had known before my daughter got caught up in it. But regrets don’t fix anything. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and my daughter is now one of the strongest people I know. If sharing our experience with you all will help save one child from having to go through the same then, then it was at least worthwhile.

There are a few resources we talk about in the video, but one of the best ones I found was Rally for the Challenge and they are also one of the few that allowed me to use some of their graphics on this video.

Victim services Ontario: Look online for the one closest to you in Canada.

Victim support UK: Look online for the closest one to you in the UK

Living in Community: is the link Carly talked about in the video near the end.

If you have any questions or comments please see the bottom of this post.

Is Momo a hoax? But this video is not.

Is Momo a hoax? But this video is not.

A mom who had to deal with her daughter wanting to hurt herself with a knife, then drawing suicide pictures. Dealing with the meltdown of all of this made her want to speak out and help other parents know, even if MoMo is a hoax, there are other videos out there that are causing our children harm.

Meridy also had a Teck guy messenger her with this which is good advice. I am waiting for his permission to post it here, so come back for it soon.

The woman in the video was contacted by this company to be an advocate for them, with a company called Bark, so there is another resource for you and your children.

The video this child watched a day before she drew the picture you will see in the video. The video the moms refer to with Filthy Frank has been taken down.

This article is saying MoMo is not real, but if nothing else it is keeping us aware of what our kids are doing.

News are giving some deals here about MoMo  and another one here

A mom talks about ways to help protect. She mentions a couple of sites to use that will help you keep your kids safe’. But the truth is you need to stay diligent

Here is the link to the picture on Meridy’s facebook page

This is a link regarding  YouTube disabling comments… it is a start, but not enough

It is even alleged that a video with FilthyFrank

Teaching our children to Cope with Bullies

Teaching our children to Cope with Bullies

Did you know that so many are trying to teach their children how to cope with bullies, but you might be raising one?

How you talk around your children, how you judge others might be enough for your child to assume it is okay to make fun of others that are different.
We need to be careful about how we talk about others when around our children.

If you are struggling right now with you or your child being bullied, watch Joanne’s story and see how she coped.  Then continue watching as she teaches you not only how to cope but helps you understand how our unintentional words can cause our children to also become bullies.  Joanne has some very helpful tips due to a lot of experience. She is a mom who has been bullied quite a lot of her life and is now also dealing with it for her child.

I think we have all had to deal with a bully at least once in our life. but let’s also not be the reason for allowing our children to be bullies.  Our words, our actions, our judgments are being watched every day. We are the example that our children follow. So be a good one. Think about what you are saying within earshot of your children. Think about what you are doing in front of your children. Understand that your actions will be followed closely by your children.
Check out this link of a mom who had to put up with a bully in a restaurant.

Click here to see what I did to help my son learn how to cope with bullies.

London mums’ magazine: Owner and Editor Monica Costa

London mums’ magazine: Owner and Editor Monica Costa

This mom built-up London Mums’ magazine from nothing and works full time running it. Monica Costa has had the opportunity to interview some pretty amazing stars, as well as some ‘regular moms.  In her words, “sometimes these ‘regular moms are the best interviews”. Well, I can say the same thing about Monica. She is not a well-known star and she doesn’t have a ‘name’ everyone would recognize, but she is one of the best interviews I have done. She has a heart and passion for people and one of her main goals is to make the world a better place.

Raising her son, while working till the wee hours of the mornings sometimes.  She has figured out how to fit it all in.  Monica also talks about her parenting tips and skills and how she is helping her son to become a product, independent human being.

As you watch the interview you will fall in love with her spirit, and her passion for life. You will discover her love of food, toys, writing and culture.  She is planning on writing books and living her life in such a way that others will have a great example to follow. One who thinks about their fellow human being and wants to help others in any way she can.

Find out why she has taken up ‘Fencing’.

Click here to learn how to deal with the frustrations of being a mom, and all that entails.

Click here to watch another mom who has learned the art of full-time work and being a great mom.

Where is my Child’s Manual

Where is my Child’s Manual

You have said it and heard others say it a million times.
“Parenting would be so much easier if our kids came with a manual’.
But stop and think about that statement and tell me, what would have learned if they did come with a manual?
We need to discover who are children are, what makes them tick, what causes them joy and or pain.
We need to learn that all kids are not the same. They all think differently, they all learn differently, and they all need different things from us as their parents.

Discovering who your child is: what makes them tick, what makes them happy or sad,  is the biggest job and best job in the world. If we had a manual, it would take most of the learning out of the equation.
Now, what fun would that be?