Childproofing? Is it Needed

Childproofing? Is it Needed

Are you childproofing your home or making it so your child feels like they are on house arrest?

We can tend to go overboard with wanting to protect our children.  This is a natural response, however, it is one you have to really keep in check.
Allow your children to be human, and as humans, we get hurt, both emotionally and physically.  What makes us stronger is how we learn to be better, strong because of those ‘things’ we have had to endure.

Your child gets sick and their immune system gets better unless you pump them so full of medicines that their body isn’t working to fight it off.  There are times medicines are needed, but more often than not the doctor will give you something that if you just allowed the body to fight, it would get stronger. With our busy lives and tight schedules, we try to hurry the process up, therefore not allowing nature to takes its course.

The same is true about protecting your child in your home. Medicines and toxic things should be up out of a child’s reach, but other than that your child needs to learn what not to do to get hurt. If they fall out of bed, pick them up, hug them, tuck them back into bed but don’t buy a bed rail. Our children will learn, with our guidance or from the ‘school of hard knocks’ what is safe and what is not.

Confessions of a P̶e̶r̶f̶e̶c̶t̶ mom:

My son had an obsession with the hot element on the stove.  I couldn’t figure out a way to stop him from trying to touch it. I panic every time I had to leave the kitchen in fear that he would sneak in to touch the stove. I had to learn to turn the stove off no matter when or for how long I left the kitchen.  Finally one day my husband came along and said ‘this is enough, he wants to touch him, let’s show him’. He turned the burner up high so it was bright red. He grabbed my son’s hand and held it close enough so he could feel the heat, the whole time chatting, ‘this is hot, this will hurt you, this is hot, it will hurt you’.  He held it there until my son was uncomfortable with the heat and tried to move it away.

From that day on, he never even went close to the stove and even as an adult he now has respect for heat.  He loves to cook and campfires, so we didn’t damage his psyche towards being afraid of heat, we just taught him respect for something that could cause him harm. 

To find out what kind of Parent you check out our Parenting Quiz 

Feeling stressed. Thinking your house is nothing but Chaos?.
Follow Lynda and “Parent With”  on this youtube channel.

Letting your child lose?

Letting your child lose?

Is it OK to let your child lose? Or does that make you a loser of a parent? Or are we creating a bigger problem? Parent with purpose !

Check out all the other parenting tips

Don’t miss opportunities.

Don’t miss opportunities.

Learn how not to miss opportunities.

Every struggle trying to figure out how, when, or what to teach your child?
Subscribe to our channel for lots of parenting tips.

Check out the free chapters to my parenting book “I was the Perfect Parent…then I had kids”

You know you are parenting the best you can, but can you do better? Take the parenting quiz and find out

Don’t Parent You Spouse!

Don’t Parent You Spouse!

How do you deal with your spouse when he/she is acting childish?

Or when he/she doesn’t do things the way you like them to be done?
Listen to the video and see if this helps you at all.

Do you give an allowance? Watch this video and see why this mom doesn’t.

Your child just doesn’t want to do something you are asking, what do you do? Click here to learn about your child’s ‘want to’.

Parenting A Parent:

Parenting A Parent:

Are you parenting a parent?

Do you have a child living at home who has a child?
Have you figured out what you are ready and willing to do for this child, your grandchild?
Do you want to raise them or do you want your child to do that? Are you going to help, and if so how much?
There is a fine line between helping and interfering.  But on the other hand, your child might want you to take over and parent because they don’t want to or because they don’t feel adequate.  It is our job to help them realize and understand that we didn’t have all the answers at first either. Show them that you are there to help them, not judge them. That you are there to guide them with advice, but not take over.  That you understand that they will not have it all figured out yet, and that is ok.
And lastly, don’t hover over them when they are doing things with their child. Let them make mistakes and come and ask you how to fix them. That is how you learned.

Watch the video up above to find out how to handle this.

It is ok to make mistakes. What this video to see why.

And you can also learn what kind of parent you are and see if there is room for improvement.

Parenting is not always easy, but my husband has found a way to put humor even into parenting. Watch my husband, ‘the fun’ parent in his videos.

Options regarding Sex Education

Options regarding Sex Education

Watch the video and find out what I did wrong regarding this subject of Sex Education and see if my mistakes can help you handle this better than I did.

Please share any other ideas you have that might help other parents with this subject. Excuse my stutter….forgot to edit that part.
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