Parent-to-Parent Advice: How People with Disabilities Can Prepare for Parenthood

Parent-to-Parent Advice: How People with Disabilities Can Prepare for Parenthood

By: Ashley Taylor


Nearly 1 in 5 Americans have a disability. If you are one of them, you probably have many questions about starting a family of your own when you are differently abled than other parents. Luckily, regardless of ability, there are many ways to achieve your dream of being a parent and giving your child a happy, healthy, loving home.

Here’s some parent-to-parent advice on how to prepare your home – and your life – parenthood when you also have a disability:

Planning for Parenthood

There are many things to consider when planning for parenthood. If you have a genetic condition, it’s understandable to worry about passing it on to your child. Talking to your doctor can alleviate fears and help you understand what to expect.

Just like able-bodied parents, there are options available for you if you are struggling to conceive.The success and availability of in vitro fertilization have given hope to many infertile couples who have not been able to conceive. Since 1978, 5.4 million babies have been born worldwide with the help of IVF. Although you’ll want to plan in advance and save money for IVF treatments, it might be worth it for the chance to finally hold your own baby in your arms.

Whether you’re concerned about passing on a genetic condition or whether you’ve been struggling to conceive, adoption is also an option for you. Having a disability does not automatically disqualify you from adoption, although it might limit the countries or faith-based adoption services you can work with. Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you are empowered to make the choice to adopt, if you decide that’s what’s best for your family.

Home Preparation

Making some home modifications can help create a safer space for your future children as well as for yourselves. Both you and your child will thrive in a home that is safe and comfortable for all family members, regardless of ability.

One of the simplest and most low-cost ways to modify your home is to ensure that it is well-lit and that all pathways are clear of hazardous objects that may cause falls, trips, slips, or injuries. For those with limited wrist mobility, you could replace door knobs with door handles, which will also be beneficial for those living with arthritis or carpal tunnel.

Other modifications make childcare easier and more accessible. For instance, if you’re in a wheelchair, you might consider purchasing accessible furniture. Many options are available for parents with disabilities these days, including wheelchair-friendly cribs and baby changing carriers. When it comes to carrying your child, you could use a sling or purchase a specialized carrier that attaches directly to your wheelchair.

Finding Support

From worrying whether your child might inherit a genetic condition to having concerns about prenatal and postnatal health, the journey into parenthood is slightly different for all of us. As you plan for your future family, there might be unexpected worries, questions, or other situations that pop up along the way.

During each of these scenarios, it’s important to realize that you’re not alone; there are many, many other parents who’ve experienced something similar. It’s important to surround yourself with supportive loved ones, friends, and family. Join support groups and online communities for other disabled parents. You might even check to see if government assistance is available in your area.

In many respects, being a parent with a disability is very much like any other parent. Just because you are differently abled doesn’t mean you will love your children any differently. Parents and children come in all shapes, sizes, abilities, and personalities – and none of them are perfect. As long as you love and care for your children and find a parenting style that works for your family, you will be the best possible parent you can be.

Photo courtesy of Pexels by Pixabay

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I struggled for years wondering if anyone else ever found parenting difficult.  I remember thinking about how much of a failure I must be. I didn’t see other parents struggling like I was. We didn’t have social media back then so there was no evidence that anyone else was having difficulty.  I felt so alone.

I have had parents ask me if I drug my kids to get them to go to bed. If I starved them because they were all thin. If we were poor because none of them were in any sports and they tended to wear different colour socks most of the time.

I was back then, and always will be a transparent person. I tell it like it is. When I struggle, if you are anywhere around me you will know I am struggling. If I screw up, you will know it. If I am having trouble figuring something out, you will hear me ask for advice.  This all allowed other parents to see into my life, but they carefully hid behind their four walls not letting anyone see what struggles they were having.

Parent With Purpose was started to help all parents be able to get help when they are struggling. To help others when they have good advice. To be a community of parents that understand that just being a parent, although the best job in the world, is the hardest.

Click here to watch a video on one of the toughest things to accomplish in my opinion in parenting called “How to shape the Will, without Destroying the spirit”

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