How much do you know about  HUMAN TRAFFICKING
Take the quiz below to find out 

Want to learn more so you can protect your child.
If you think this won't ever happen to you or your child please watch. This is my own daughter's story and we are your everyday, normal, faith-based suburbian family. Happily married to the same man for 34 years & I was a stay at home mom, with 4 children.

Take the QUIZ to find out what you do or do not know to help protect your children.
If you wish the answers to be emailed to you, please provide your email address

Test your knowledge then check the bottom for many links showing videos' pod-cast, articles and resources on this subject.


What does 'Luring' mean for Domestic Human Trafficking?


What are the signs your child might be human trafficked?


What is the difference between a 'Boyfriend' & a 'Pimp" in the Human Trafficking world. 


What are the biggest misconceptions with human trafficking? 


Describe the typical 'pimp' in North America?


What does the 'Grooming & Gaming' stage look like in Domestic Human Trafficking?


Who can be a target for Human Traffickers?


What are the four stages of human trafficking?


All but one answer shows you what the boyfriend does to Coerce the victim into Human Trafficking?
Which answer is NOT considered a method of  Coersion in the human trafficking world.  (Hint, it will damage the goods)


What SHOULDN'T you do if you believe your child or someone they know is being trafficked? 


What does Domestic Human Trafficking mean / look like?


Exploitation is one of the 4 stages.
Which answer does NOT happen in the exploitation stage. 

Links for you to check out to learn more.

VIDEO of a survivor of Human Trafficking and her personal story.

Video on what Human Trafficking really is: with Carly from Durham Victim Service.

Pod-cast with a mom of a victim of Human trafficking: done with Media Savy Mom's

Great article that gives the breakdown of what Human Trafficking is: 

Resources available if you or someone you know are being Human Trafficked and /or if you suspect someone is being Human Trafficked.

Victim services Ontario: Look online for the one closest to you in Canada.

Victim support UK: Look online for the closest one to you in the UK

Living in Community: is the link Carly talked about in the video near the end.

If you have any questions or comments please see the bottom of this post.