Intact or Circumcision

Intact or Circumcision

Why do people get so upset when you mention Circumcision.

This show is just about educating on different subjects, and so the subject of circumcision has to be one of them.
Let’s stop pointing fingers and get down to what is important, and that is parenting to the best of our ability.

I don’t care if you did, or did not circumcise your son, it is your business, not mine!!
No shaming allowed!

Even though my guest speaker is very clear in her opinion, she doesn’t believe in shaming either way.

So let’s get a discussion going. Why do you think you should or should not circumcise?  Both of my guest speakers are willing to answer your questions and or give reasons for why they have made statements on these videos, so please leave comments.

Or if you believe the opposite of these guests, please tell us why and if you are an expert on the subject, we would love to have you on the show.   Leave your comments and contact info and I will contact you as soon as I can.

The majority of this info can be found by exploring at either or the main resource list at Saving Our Sons here:

Medical Links:

UTI Resources:

One STI Study: (also at journal site here:

HIV Resources:

Medical Organization Position Statements:

“Protect Your Intact Son: Medical Advice for Parents When Your Doctor Says to Circumcise” by Dr. Paul M. Flies, MD:

American Medical Association Journal of Ethics article:

Time for US Parents to Reconsider the Acceptability of Male Circumcision by Dr. Morten Frisch, Danish MD:

Functions of the Foreskin:

More on Sexuality:


Various religious resources:

The Christian website is and the page with the list of verses on it is

Find Your Local Intact Chapter:

Click here to watch part two as well as it is another non-shaming viewpoint.

Allowance. Yes or No?

Allowance. Yes or No?

Do you give your children Allowance?
If so, why?
If not, why not?

Do you think it teaches them to be responsible, or does it allow them to assume they should get paid for anything they do?

Check out this link to find out about Amanda’s other video on Abortion.

Or this link to find out about Adoption.

Adopt, New First Choice / Randy

Adopt, New First Choice / Randy

Adoption is such a wonderful thing. I know so many who chose to adopt and not because they couldn’t have any of their own, but because their hearts are just two sizes bigger than most.  They are amazing.

Adoption might become your ‘first choice’, once you watch this video.

If you have questions and or would just like to tell us what you are going through, please comment below.

Thinking about putting your baby up for adoption rather than abortion? Click here

Click here to read this to see if adoption is right for you.

Click here to learn about adoption in Canada

Click here to learn about adoption in the UK

SPORTS, how important is it for a child’s development  Randy

SPORTS, how important is it for a child’s development Randy

I couldn’t make my children interested in sports. We made them take swimming as that to me is a life survivor skill, more than a sport.
We encouraged them to at least try something, but nothing ever enticed them and I never pushed it too hard because of cost and time. Having 4 I was not sure how I was going to swing them all in different sports.

Hindsight is great and if you believe in learning from other people’s mistakes, then learn from mine. Get your kids in some kind of sports. It doesn’t have to be a big-time league, in fact, it rarely should be pressure-filled. It should be fun.

If you don’t have your children in sports, you should consider getting them enrolled, and if money is an issue please check out this incredible charity.
If you anything you can donate to this amazing charity, such as money, time or sports equipment, please give them a call.

Check out these other videos as well.
Why don’t kids come with Manuals?
Check out Why Adoption became Randy’s first choice.

Cell Phones & Social Media Part 2 Orzala

Cell Phones & Social Media Part 2 Orzala

Are you concerned about your child having a cell phone and or being on social media? At what age do you think a child should have either a cell phone or be on social media.

What should you allow and not allow your child to do? Are there things we need to know?

What are your thoughts on this and part 1 of this topic? Please leave comments.

Click here to watch part one.

Click here to watch how to get kids to do what they should without destroying their spirit.

Terminal Illness & Parenting Teens Part 1 & 2

Terminal Illness & Parenting Teens Part 1 & 2

Are you dealing with a terminal illness in your home and trying to parent as well? Not easy and no easy answers.
Watch as Polly unfolds their story.
In Part 1: she talks mainly about the illness, the progression and how it affected them as a family.
Part 2 is where she discusses the issues she struggled with in parenting 2 teen boys while dealing with her husband that was terminally ill.
She dealt with boys who struggled with
* self-image,
* self-awareness,
*feeling lost and confused,
*sexual issues,
*drug issues,
*school issues.

Parent your own way

Click here to watch more videos on dealing with teens and issues.

Click here to watch ‘Raising children who are LGBT

Cell Phones & Social Media

Cell Phones & Social Media

Jill tells parents, that you should only give a child a cell phone when they are ready to allow them to watch Porn.
Food for thought.
She shares lots of good parenting advice about social media, and as she is a social media marketer, you have to at least give her opinion some thought.

Check out Jill on Mommy chat 

Come back next week to watch Jill’s video on Raising children who are LGBT

Come check out this video on Stubbornness vs Determination

The Love Cycle / Doug

The Love Cycle / Doug

Do you ever wonder who your children will pick as a partner and what a love cycle has to do with this?
As their parent, do you know you will have some effect on who your child will pick as their partner?
Find out how, and see what you can do to help them pick better partners.

Click on the book below to go to the link to check out this book and the details.

I do not make anything off of this.

Want to know how to Shape the will of a child without breaking their spirit? Click here

Shape the Will/Destroy the Spirit

Shape the Will/Destroy the Spirit

How can we Shape a child’s will:

We want them to learn how they are supposed to behave, without destroying their spirit?
Doug has some amazing insight on this subject.

Check out Doug’s books

Check out this video on Stubbornness vs Determination

Work-from-Home / Orzala

Work-from-Home / Orzala

Have you always wondered what it would be like to work from home?

Are you wanting to become an entrepreneur?
Wondering if you have what it takes?

Orzala has some great tips for you.
Here is Orzala’s website

Click here for more videos on Parenting

Click here to see the video on ‘why won’t kids say hello’