Shape the Will/Destroy the Spirit

Shape the Will/Destroy the Spirit

How can we Shape a child’s will:

We want them to learn how they are supposed to behave, without destroying their spirit?
Doug has some amazing insight on this subject.

Check out Doug’s books

Check out this video on Stubbornness vs Determination

Consequences / Anna-Marie  #PWP Talk Show

Consequences / Anna-Marie #PWP Talk Show

Do you struggle with staying consistent with your consequences?

Do you have a partner that is making it hard for you to do so?

Watch as Anna Marie explains the struggles she and her hubby, and family goes through when they are not in agreement.  Struggling to keep it real, keep consequences relevant and yet not so hard as to be a pain to ensure they are followed through on. Trying to ensure both parents are on the same page.  Is that even possible? If not, how do you handle that?

What kind of consequences do you think are good ones.
Pick from this list and tell us what you usually use and why.

  1. Time outs (with a stool or in bedrooms)
  2. Taking something of value away from them, like computer time, television time
  3. Not allowing them out of the house, or what we call ‘grounding’ them.
  4. Giving extra chores up and above their regular chores
  5. Spankings, or tapping on the hands for little children
  6. Making them go to their rooms and wait until the other parent gets home to dole out a different punishment
  7. Making them write outlines and or phrases
  8. Asking the teachers for extra homework
  9. Taking away allowances (if they get one if not taking away gift money)
  10. If they have done something against another child, make them apologize and or make them do that child’s chores

Do you think about the consequences you give out? Do you think how they will affect that child, and or the other children in the house?

Tell us what you are dealing with below in the comments and how you are doling out consequences and why you are picking what you are?

Click here to watch “Who has Control in your house”

Click here to read the chapter in my book on guilt

Click here to take the Parenting Quiz

Traveling With Children

Traveling With Children

Ever been Traveling with children on a road trip or just even have to go get groceries and your child starts screaming while you are driving.

Ruins the whole trip, right?

Check out the only tip that will work!

If I’m wrong, tell me what you do that works.

Does this make me a mean parent?  Click here to find out. 

Stubbornness Vrs Determination

Stubbornness Vrs Determination

Do you know the difference between Stubbornness and Determination?

Watch and see if you agree with this.

Check out this link to see if stubbornness creates rebellion.

Parent your own way

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Come on over to our goal page to learn how to implement goals so you can parent with purpose. Subscribe and tell us which goals you picked. Get or give advice on each post to help the parenting community. Let’s help each other instead of judging each other.

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Don’t let them steal your joy

Don’t let them steal your joy


Are you Frustrated?

Just had one of those days?
Or are you trying to deal with one of those children that know how to push your buttons?

One of my children was extremely good at knowing what buttons to push and when to push them. He had learned at an early age my weak spot and he wasn’t afraid to use it. Especially if my hubby wasn’t home. This child would then go up and above in his attempts to get me mad, frustrated and or downright infuriated.

I did learn a trick, and it worked most of the time. Watch the video and see what I learned, and how I used this trick.

You need to understand that this doesn’t always work. It was several years later that this same child decided he was going to attempt to once again do what he could to anger me. And again he only did this when my hubby wasn’t home. My other children asked me why I allowed this child to bully me. It was not until they asked that question that I realized that in fact, that was exactly what he was doing.  It was shortly after this understanding dawned on me that I decided I had enough. I ended up blowing up at him in front of his father. I was so mad I couldn’t even talk right. I did say something I regret now, but my anger was justified and for that, I didn’t apologize, I just apologized later for what I said that was unkind.  From that day forward my son has been treating me with the utmost respect, and kindness.  He has also learned the art of sticking up for other people when someone is bullying them.  Today I am very proud of him and how he has learned to honor and respect people.

Want to know how to not let them steal your joy?

Click here to check out some other parenting do’s and don’ts.

Click here to learn the difference between ‘Determination’ And ‘Stubbornness”

Parent your own way

Please subscribe to see all the latest parenting videos.

Come on over to our goal page to learn how to implement goals so you can parent with purpose. Subscribe and tell us which goals you picked. Get or give advice on each post to help the parenting community. Let’s help each other instead of judging each other.

Check out or Social media by clicking on any of the appropriate tabs in the right-hand top corner of the screen above. Or click here for which one you want

Timeout Chair, Yes, No, Maybe?

Timeout Chair, Yes, No, Maybe?

Do you think using a Timeout Chair is a good idea? Yes or No?

Would love your thoughts on this topic, so please don’t forget to comment.